Facing Our History
By Independent Sector in Blog on“Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced.” – James…
How Healthy is the Nonprofit Sector?
By Independent Sector in Blog onWhat seems like the longest year of a lifetime is growing to a close. To say that 2020 has…
The Intersectionality of Race, Gender, and Electoral Politics
By Independent Sector in Blog onCelebrating the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment’s Passage While Continuing to Fight for Its Promise In recognition of Women’s…
Democracy Over Disenfranchisement
By Independent Sector in Blog onThe Health of American Democracy is Central to the Health of American Voters and an Accurate 2020 CensusAt the…
When and Where to Use Wage Replacement Rates for Volunteer Value
By Independent Sector in Blog on“I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if…
New Member Profile: Inspiring Service and Cincinnati Cares
By Independent Sector in Blog onIS members represent nonprofits, foundations, and corporations engaged in every kind of charitable endeavor, with missions that reflect the…
New Member Profile: U.S. Dream Academy
By Independent Sector in Uncategorized onIS members represent nonprofits, foundations, and corporations engaged in every kind of charitable endeavor, with missions that reflect the…
Independent Sector Code of Ethics
By Dylan Fitzgerald in IS Policies onAdherence to the law is only a minimum standard of expected behavior. As a matter of principle, Independent Sector…
The Race to Racial Equity
By Independent Sector in Blog onJune 19, 2020 observed the 155th anniversary of what many consider to be the earliest liberation of Black Americans…
Education as Equity
By Independent Sector in Blog onThe following is a guest blog post from Stephanie J. Hull, president and CEO of Independent Sector Member, Girls…
Advocacy Efforts for Racial Equity
By Independent Sector in Blog onToday, we sit at the intersection of a global pandemic and a rising tide of voices for racial equality.…
New Member Profile: Center for Nonprofit Excellence
By Independent Sector in Blog onIS members represent nonprofits, foundations, and corporations engaged in every kind of charitable endeavor, with missions that reflect the…
Finding Safe Opportunities to Volunteer During the COVID-19 Crisis
By Independent Sector in Blog onAs a home for nonprofits, foundations, and corporate allies engaged in every kind of charitable endeavor, Independent Sector is…
New June 17 Deadline: Nominate a Transformational Leader for Gardner Award
By Independent Sector in Blog onNew June 17 Deadline: Nominate a Transformational Leader for Gardner AwardExtraordinary times call for extraordinary leaders. The John W.…
New Member Profile: Do Good Institute, School of Public Policy, University of Maryland
By Independent Sector in Blog onIS members represent nonprofits, foundations, and corporations engaged in every kind of charitable endeavor, with missions that reflect the…
Town Hall on Leading During a Pandemic
With daily lives uprooted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s more important than ever that nonprofit and philanthropic leaders…
COVID-19 and the Remote Office: Privacy, Cybersecurity, & Insurance
Most business continuity plans assume the inevitability of short-term outages, and include strategies to deploy people to alternate work…
Being a Black Changemaker Across Generations, and the Decade Ahead
By Independent Sector in Blog onIn the decade ahead, a generation of Millennial changemakers will turn 30 (if they were born in the 90s)…
Meet Corina Sadler: Strengthening Critical Thinking through Ethical Leadership Course
By Independent Sector in Blog onWe hope you refer often to Independent Sector’s 33 Principles for Good Governance and Ethical Practice and our Keeping…
New Member Profile: The Welcome Project
By Independent Sector in Uncategorized onIS members represent nonprofits, foundations, and corporations engaged in every kind of charitable endeavor, with missions that reflect the…