The Leave No Power on the Table initiative is an educational series and nonpartisan pledge campaign that equips nonprofits with the resources and support they need to strengthen their influence and better serve their constituents through advocacy, civic engagement, and voter participation.

It's On Us

Nonprofits’ ability to advance our missions hinges upon our constituents’ ability to cast their ballot in every election.

The Nonprofit Voter Empowerment Project ,developed in partnership with Nonprofit VOTE, seeks to support nonprofits’ efforts to increase voter participation among our staff, grantees, volunteers, and constituents. There is strength in numbers! By working together to develop an informed electorate, the nonprofit sector can further our missions and create communities where all people thrive.

The Nonprofit Voter Engagement Playbook

The Nonprofit Voter Engagement Playbook is designed to support the development and implementation of voter engagement strategies that can be tailored to meet the unique needs of every nonprofit, regardless of experience, expertise, or organizational capacity. Use the enclosed recommendations and best practices to strengthen your nonprofit’s voter engagement efforts. Share the Nonprofit Voter Engagement Playbook with other organizations in your network to inspire action.

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