BoardEffect Governance Technology Evangelist Dottie Schindlinger talked with Independent Sector Chief Strategy Officer Jeffrey Moore about the importance of storytelling in changework. Jeff will be BoardEffect’s BE Savvy 2018 Conference this September to lead a session called “What Is Our Story.” During the session, Jeff will talk about IS’s ongoing body of work around forming a coherent and compelling narrative for the charitable sector.
Dottie Schindlinger: How does storytelling relate to advocacy?
Jeff Moore: Advocacy at its core is storytelling—how we use our voice as an organization. Individuals and organizations advocate all the time, even if they don’t use that term for it. When you are educating policymakers about your cause and why it matters—that’s advocacy.
DS: What’s the one take-away you hope BE Savvy attendees get from this session and discussion?
JM: I hope attendees come away with an understanding that it is incredibly important to be able to tell two stories extraordinarily well: the story about your own organization’s vital mission, and the story of the charitable sector as a whole. The greatest impact will come from our ability to intertwine these two powerful stories.
DS: What one action item would you like your presentation’s attendees to take after hearing you speak?
JM: Next time your board is gathering with management, have a conversation about the story you are telling as an individual organization and as a part of the larger sector. Start asking crucial questions about who needs to hear these stories and why.
DS: Why should you come to this session?
JM: You are on the frontline of storytelling for your organization and you are in a uniquely important place to help your organization tell the story it needs to be telling. A story about what kind of resources it takes to meet our missions. A story that reinforces the public’s trust in the organizations that comprise the sector. Ultimately, the success of the sector depends on your story and its ability to create a sense of belonging to something larger.
Learning to improve and refine this story will allow you to use your position to its greatest effect, which is the basis of what we will cover in this session.
About BoardEffect BE Savvy 2018
BoardEffect BE Savvy 2018 is a three-day event specifically designed for governing bodies that want to maximize board effectiveness and dramatically enhance governance practices. Peers and community leaders can come together to engage with thought leadership and real-world applications of better governance. All attendees will enjoy customized learning experiences designed to empower them with board management solutions that make a lasting difference.
With innovative sessions from thought-provoking speakers, attendees will get to experience tremendous networking opportunities throughout the conference, which is designed for convenient and accessible place to connect and collaborate.
Learn more and register at