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About This Profile
Across the United States, the charitable sector generates incredible impact on both communities and economies. This profile is a snapshot of major statistics about Utah’s charitable community. It’s designed to give you a broad sense of the scale and diversity of nonprofits, foundations, and charities across the state. A downloadable PDF version is available above.
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Number of Utah Nonprofit Organizations
- All nonprofit organizations: 7,885
- 501(c)(3) Public Charities (includes some religious organizations): 5,235
- 501(c)(3) Private and Public Foundations: 807
- Other 501(c) Nonprofit Organizations*: 1,813
* includes civic leagues, chamber of commerce, veterans organizations, etc
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Economic Impact of the Utah Nonprofit Sector
- Employs 78,235- over 6.7% of the state’s workforce
- Generates over $12.14 billion in annual revenues
- Holds assets of more than $23 billion
- Utah foundations annually give over $218.9 million
- Utahns give over $3.3 billion to charity each year, representing 6.61 percent of household income
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Public Charities and Foundations Benefit Utah Communities
Deliver vital community services
Summit Land Conservancy works out of Park City to protect
Utah’s vast array of natural resources. The organization
protects and monitors local open spaces by defending 42
permanent conservation easements on 6,992 acres of land—
and is currently working to preserve an additional 5,000+
acres of the landscapes their community cherishes.
Give voice to the people they serve
Volunteers of America, Utah is a religious human services
nonprofit organization with more than 150 paid staff who serve
more than 10,000 people across the state each year through
programs addressing homelessness, substance abuse, mental
illness, and domestic violence. Thousands of volunteers and
partners join together to accomplish VOA’s mission to reach
and uplift those in greatest need.
Contribute to vibrant communities
An essential part of the Utah Symphony and Utah Opera’s
mission is to Connect the Community through Great Live
Music is to reach members of our community through our
education and outreach programs. These efforts focus on
education opportunities for youth and adults, music outreach to
populations that are underserved or have special needs, and
humanities partnerships with other organizations in our
community. In the fiscal year 2017-2018, 76,021 students
attended 380.5 hours of instruction.
Advance solutions for challenges facing our youth
Girl Scouts of Utah creates adventures and learning
opportunities for more than 8,000 individuals across the state.
From the very beginning, Girl Scouts has ignited the power of
G.I.R.L.s (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader) everywhere.
Girl Scouts of Utah created Building a Better Utah, a girl-led,
day of service projects to give back to the community.
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Note: The “nonprofit sector” encompasses organizations that are defined as tax-exempt under section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code. This includes both public charities and private foundations [501(c)(3)] and other nonprofits such as civic league organizations [501(c)(4)]. Exceptions are noted when relevant.
Employment Information
Best estimate based on available data from the following sources:
Number of nonprofit employees: The 2019 nonprofit employment report, Lester M. Salamon and Chelsea L.
Newhouse, S. Wojciech Sokolowski, Nonprofit Employment Bulletin #47, Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society
Studies, 2019 {Data is 2016, page 3}
Number of Nonprofits
Urban Institute, National Center for Charitable Statistics, State Summary reports
http://www.nccs.urban.org/statistics/profiles.cfm {Data are 2013}
Asset and Revenues
Urban Institute, National Center for Charitable Statistics, “Registered Nonprofit Organizations by State (BMF
12/2015)” http://nccsweb.urban.org/tablewiz/bmf.php {Data are 2015}
Foundation Giving
The Foundation Center, FC Stats: “Foundation Stats: Total Grantmaking Foundations” {Data are 2015}
Individual Giving
How America Gives, 2014. The Chronicle of Philanthropy. {Data are 2012}.
Nonprofit Examples:
Volunteers of America, Utah: https://www.voaut.org/about-us
Utah Symphony | Utah Opera: https://usuo.org/app/uploads/2018/08/Symphony_Annual_Report-2017-18.pdf
and https://usuo.org/our-company/in-the-community/
Summit Land Conservancy: https://www.wesaveland.org/our-impact
Girl Scouts of Utah: https://www.gsutah.org/en/our-council/girl-scouts-of-utah.html
As of October 2019