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About This Profile
Across the United States, the charitable sector generates incredible impact on both communities and economies. This profile is a snapshot of major statistics about Oregon’s charitable community. It’s designed to give you a broad sense of the scale and diversity of nonprofits, foundations, and charities across the state. A downloadable PDF version is available above.
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Employment by Nonprofit Service Area
Oregon’s charitable community employs individuals committed to the common good across a diverse range of organization types.
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Number of Oregon Nonprofit Organizations
- All nonprofit organizations: 31,224
- 501(c)(3) Public Charities (includes some religious organizations): 19,786
- 501(c)(3) Private and Public Foundations: 878
- Other 501(c) Nonprofit Organizations*: 5,261
* includes civic leagues, chamber of commerce, veterans organizations, etc
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Economic Impact of the Oregon Nonprofit Sector
- Employs 190,124 – almost 12% of the state’s workforce
- Generates more than $100.2 billion in annual revenues
- Holds assets of $114.8 billion
- Oregon foundations annually give over $400 million
- Oregonians give over $1.76 billion to charity each year, representing 4.6 percent of household income
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Public Charities and Foundations Benefit Oregon Communities
Deliver vital community services
Friends of the Children is an international nonprofit network founded in Portland that
selects and invites youth who face multiple systemic obstacles to be paired with a
paid, professional mentor. Long-term results show that 83% of youth participants
receive their GED or high school diploma and 93% remain free from involvement
with the juvenile justice system.
Give voice to the people they serve
The Oregon Food Bank runs the Fresh Alliance program to divert to food banks
safe, edible grocery items that might otherwise be discarded. In 2017, The Oregon
Food Bank distributed more than 48 million pounds of food to their network of
regional food banks.
Contribute to vibrant communities
The Portland Art Museum is the oldest art museum on the West coast and has over
350,000 visitors each year, including 50,000 schoolchildren. Among outreach to
area educators, the Museum partners with the Oregon Ballet Theatre to provide arts
programming to low-income Latina girls through the organization, Adelante Mujeres.
Advance solutions for challenges facing society
The National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA), based in Portland, is a
national organization focused on preventing child abuse and neglect. Through
training, policy, and development services, NICWA is helping American Indian
children to grow up safe, healthy, and spiritually strong.
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Note: The “nonprofit sector” encompasses organizations that are defined as tax-exempt under section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code. This includes both public charities and private foundations [501(c)(3)] and other nonprofits such as civic league organizations [501(c)(4)]. Exceptions are noted when relevant.
Employment Information
Best estimate based on available data from the following sources:
The 2019 nonprofit employment report, Lester M. Salamon and Chelsea L. Newhouse, S. Wojciech Sokolowski,
Nonprofit Employment Bulletin #47, Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies, 2019 {Data is 2016, page 3}
Breakdown by Nonprofit Service Area
Oregon’s Nonprofit Sector in Brief, Nonprofit Association of Oregon, 2014. {Data are 2014}
Number of Nonprofits
Urban Institute, National Center for Charitable Statistics, State Summary reports
http://www.nccs.urban.org/statistics/profiles.cfm {Data are 2013}
Asset and Revenues
Urban Institute, National Center for Charitable Statistics, “Registered Nonprofit Organizations by State (BMF
12/2015)” http://nccsweb.urban.org/tablewiz/bmf.php {Data are 2015}
Foundation Giving
The Foundation Center, FC Stats: “Foundation Stats: Total Grantmaking Foundations” {Data are 2015}
Individual Giving
How America Gives, 2014. The Chronicle of Philanthropy. {Data are 2012}.
Nonprofit Examples:
Friends of the Children: https://friendsofthechildren.org/about/resources
Oregon Foodbank: https://www.oregonfoodbank.org/about-us/reports-publications
Portland Art Museum: http://portlandartmuseum.org/adelante-mujeres/
National Indian Child Welfare Association: https://www.nicwa.org/about/
As of September 2019