Research on Sector Health

Special Projects

Our Health of the U.S. Nonprofit Sector is a data-rich report and developing resource that conveys important information about the U.S. nonprofit sector across multiple dimensions and in a single, accessible format that helps guide decisions for leaders.

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Public trust is the currency of the nonprofit sector. Each year, we partner with Edelman Data & Intelligence to issue our Trust in Civil Society survey that explores the big-picture issues and nuances of the public’s trust in nonprofit, philanthropic organizations, and institutions in the U.S.

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Nonprofits’ ability to shape their environment and deliver on their mission through advocacy and civic engagement is a key determinant of nonprofit and sector health. This research report fills a 20- year gap in data and provides insights on how advocacy and civic engagement may vary by organization size, geography, communities served, and leadership demographics.

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Volunteers in the U.S. help hold up the foundation of civil society. They help neighbors, serve communities, and provide expertise. No matter what kind of volunteer work they do, they contribute, daily, in invaluable ways. Read our national and state-by-state Value of Volunteer Time.

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The Principles for Good Governance and Ethical Practice reinforce a common understanding of transparency, accountability, and good governance for the nonprofit sector to spotlight strong practices that contribute to the effectiveness, durability, and broad support for charitable organizations of all kinds.

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Independent Sector and United for ALICE are partnering to understand and improve the financial health of nonprofit workers living paycheck to paycheck.

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