Past Symposia

Nonprofit Civic Infrastructure: A Recipe for a Thriving Nation

Key Links:  


Public Policy Agenda for the 2020 Election

Read the Symposium Summary and Nonprofit Policy Forum Special Issue for more information.


Nonprofits in Public Policy: Challenges and Opportunities

Symposium Summary


Toward an Index of a Healthy U.S. Nonprofit Sector

Read the Symposium Summary and Nonprofit Policy Forum Special Issue for more information.


Partnership Acknowledgement

Independent Sector is pleased to partner to convene the symposium with the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA), a diverse community of scholars, educators, and practice leaders who work to strengthen the field of charity, nonprofit, and philanthropic research to improve civil society and human life; and Nonprofit Policy Forum, an open-access academic journal that publishes original research and analysis on public policy issues and the public policy process critical to the work of nonprofit organizations.

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