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About This Profile
Across the United States, the charitable sector generates incredible impact on both communities and economies. This profile is a snapshot of major statistics about New Mexico’s charitable community. It’s designed to give you a broad sense of the scale and diversity of nonprofits, foundations, and charities across the state. A downloadable PDF version is available above.
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Number of New Mexico Nonprofit Organizations
- All nonprofit organizations: 9,104
- 501(c)(3) Public Charities (includes some religious organizations): 6,500
- 501(c)(3) Private and Public Foundations: 380
- Other 501(c) Nonprofit Organizations*: 2,224
* includes civic leagues, chamber of commerce, veterans organizations, etc
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Economic Impact of the New Mexico Nonprofit Sector
- Employs 51,152 people, 8.2% of the state’s workforce
- Generates more than $6.5 billion in annual revenues
- Holds assets of $15.7 billion
- New Mexico foundations annually give over $82 million
- New Mexicans give $738 million to charity each year, representing 3 percent of household income
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Public Charities and Foundations Benefit New Mexico Communities
Preparing youth for global economy
The American Indian Science and Engineering Society seeks
to substantially increase the representation of American
Indians and Alaska Natives in STEM careers. They focus on
engaging youth as early as middle school and provide
training and mentoring for college students and professionals.
They have over 4,800 individual members and have awarded
over $12 million in academic scholarships.
Give voice to the people they serve
The United Way of Central New Mexico has a tremendous
impact on the families and children they serve. Through their
program, Tax Help New Mexico, 17,501 people received free
tax prep and over $22 million in tax refunds in 2018.
Contribute to vibrant communities
The Georgia O’Keefe Museum in Santa Fe houses over 3,000 works
comprised of 140 O’Keeffe oil paintings, nearly 700 drawings, and
hundreds of additional works dating from 1901 to 1984. Educational
programs at the Museum serve more than 7,100 students and adults
per year with a robust slate of workshops, lectures, conversations,
and classroom activities.
Advance solutions for challenges facing society
Based in Albuquerque, Americans for Indian Opportunity (AIO)’s AIO
Ambassadors Program, created a network of 187 Native American
leaders. This model program is now in New Zealand, and working
with leaders in Bolivia, Japan, and other Latin American countries. It
is part of a vision to create an international network of indigenous
leaders working together to address the pressing issues of the day
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Note: The “nonprofit sector” encompasses organizations that are defined as tax-exempt under section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code. This includes both public charities and private foundations [501(c)(3)] and other nonprofits such as civic league organizations [501(c)(4)]. Exceptions are noted when relevant.
Employment Information
Best estimate based on available data from the following sources:
Number of nonprofit employees: The 2019 nonprofit employment report, Lester M. Salamon and Chelsea L. Newhouse, S.
Wojciech Sokolowski, Nonprofit Employment Bulletin #47, Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies, 2019 {Data is 2016,
page 3}
Number of Nonprofits
Urban Institute, National Center for Charitable Statistics, State Summary reports http://www.nccs.urban.org/statistics/profiles.cfm
{Data are 2013}
Asset and Revenues
Urban Institute, National Center for Charitable Statistics, “Registered Nonprofit Organizations by State (BMF 12/2015)”
http://nccsweb.urban.org/tablewiz/bmf.php {Data are 2015}
Foundation Giving
The Foundation Center, FC Stats: “Foundation Stats: Total Grantmaking Foundations”
http://data.foundationcenter.org/#/foundations/all/state:NM/total/list/2015 {Data are 2015}
Individual Giving
How America Gives, 2014. The Chronicle of Philanthropy.
https://philanthropy.com/interactives/how-america-gives {Data are 2012}.
Nonprofit examples:
United Way of Central New Mexico: https://uwcnm.org/
Georgia O’Keefe Museum: https://www.okeeffemuseum.org/about-the-museum/
American Indian Science and Engineering Society: https://www.aises.org/sites/default/files/documents/2018-AISES-AnnualReport.pdf
Americans for Indian Opportunity: http://aio.org/about-the-aio-ambassadors-program/recruitment/
As of October 2019