To open up a conversation about power dynamics in Seattle’s charitable community, one funder offered a thought-provoking metaphor: “Power: Who sets the table and who has a seat?”
Read in-depth highlights from Threads Seattle
Attendees of Threads Seattle spoke passionately about a challenge that has bubbled up in other Threads across the country – that traditional power structures are preventing critical connections from being made within the sector. There was agreement that collaboration among Seattle’s incredibly diverse stakeholders is essential, but resources generally aren’t being directed to fostering it. One possible solution? Formalizing new kinds of relationships between funders and nonprofits. For example, if foundations were to reserve board seats for grantees who are on the ground providing services, information would flow better and generate new insights and strategies.
If you weren’t able to follow the Seattle conversation on social media, be sure to check out our Storify to see what people were sharing online using #ThreadsSEA.