(WASHINGTON, August 3, 2022) – Several leading national nonprofit organizations are calling on Congress and the President to immediately provide the tools charitable nonprofits need to provide relief to millions of people across the country impacted by devastating natural disasters, ranging from deadly floods to droughts to wildfires. Several disaster-related tax provisions enabling nonprofits to provide relief and recovery to residents expired at the end of 2021. There is strong bipartisan support for restoring and improving those provisions, which would generate resources to enable nonprofits to better aid their communities at a time of immense need.
In a letter signed by 27 organizations, including American Red Cross, the National Council of Nonprofits, and United Way Worldwide, the coalition called for:
- Renewal and improvement of the universal (or non-itemizer) charitable deduction;
- Restoration of giving incentives that allow individuals to deduct up to 100% of their adjusted gross income and corporations to deduct up to 25% of taxable income; and
- Reinstatement and modification of the Employee Retention Tax Credit.
In the face of every disaster, nonprofits are there, even when their own operations are affected or when their own staff and volunteers have been displaced. But too many nonprofits remain depleted from all they have done for the public throughout the pandemic. For nonprofits to keep doing what the public relies on, Congress needs to restore the tax provisions it let expire in 2021. With disasters affecting dozens of states and millions of residents, our communities and the nonprofits that serve them need immediate relief – today.
The organizations signing the letter are:
- Agudath Israel of America
- American Alliance of Museums
- American Red Cross
- Americans for the Arts
- Catholic Charities USA
- Community Foundation Awareness Initiative
- Council on Foundations
- Faith & Giving
- Girl Scouts of the USA
- Goodwill Industries International, Inc.
- Habitat for Humanity
- Independent Sector
- Jewish Federations of North America
- League of American Orchestras
- Meals on Wheels America
- Mental Health America
- National Community Action Partnership
- National Council of Nonprofits
- Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies
- Social Current
- Team Rubicon
- The Nonprofit Alliance
- United Philanthropy Forum
- United Way Worldwide
- Volunteers of America
- YMCA of the USA
Independent Sector, a member of the Relief4Charities coalition, is sharing this press statement. Independent Sector is the only national membership organization that brings together a diverse community of changemakers at nonprofits, foundations, and corporate giving programs working to ensure all people in the United States thrive.
Media Contact: Bradley Wong, 202-467-6122, media@independentsector.org