The charitable community can be a healing force post-election to unite Americans and continue working to solve our country’s biggest challenges
(WASHINGTON, November 9, 2016) — Daniel J. Cardinali, president and CEO of Independent Sector, issues the following statement:
“In spite of a divisive and contentious election cycle, the charitable community is poised and ready to help heal divides and unite Americans in partnership with our elected officials.
The individuals and organizations that make up the charitable community will, as they always have, work toward rebuilding trust among communities, restoring faith in government, resolving our nation’s more intractable problems, and reigniting the American spirit of innovation and progress for all.
Independent Sector encourages all individuals and charitable organizations to learn more about how they can be continually engaged with elected officials at all levels of government to shape public policies and improve communities. By addressing challenges and seizing opportunities at the community level, the charitable sector maximizes its impact and strengthens the common good for the nation as a whole. Independent Sector had the pleasure of meeting with both presidential campaigns this year to discuss our sector’s powerful voice in our democracy, and we were pleased with President-elect Donald Trump team’s desire to govern with the charitable community as a partner.
For many, this election marks the end of a long-fought process to decide our leaders. But for the charitable community, it’s just the beginning of relationships we need to help us achieve our missions, improve lives and the natural world, and strengthen our democracy.
We look forward to continued work with the new administration and Congress.”
Independent Sector is the leadership forum for nonprofits, foundations, and corporations whose member networks collectively represent tens of thousands of organizations locally, nationally, and globally. Learn more at