Value of Volunteer Time


The Current Estimated National Value of Each Volunteer Hour Is:


Volunteers in the United States hold up the foundation of civil society. They help their neighbors, serve their communities, and provide their expertise. No matter what kind of volunteer work they do, they are contributing in invaluable ways.

In its newest Value of Volunteer Time report, Independent Sector, with the Do Good Institute, announced on April 19, 2023 that the latest value of a volunteer hour is estimated to be $31.80, which is a 6.2% increase from 2021 to 2022. Read the full report for national and state-by-state data on volunteer hours.

Historic Dollar Value of a Volunteer Hour: 2002-2022

Why Do We Calculate a Value of Volunteer Time?

We know putting numbers to volunteer hours will never do them justice, but it is just one way for us to show the contributions individuals and organizations have made in our communities. The estimate helps acknowledge the millions of individuals who dedicate their time, talents, and energy to making a difference. Charitable organizations frequently use this estimate to quantify the enormous value volunteers provide.

Additionally, each state has a unique value. You can explore in-depth state and historical data by filling out the form below. Learn more about the methodology.

New Report Delves Into How Volunteer Hours are Spent

Independent Sector member, VolunteerMatch, recently released the findings from a 1,000-volunteer survey to understand their motivations, preferences, and goals. The report, How We Connect, is a helpful tool for nonprofit leaders to create, manage, and accelerate their volunteer efforts.

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